Friday, November 7, 2008

I hate blogging!!!! I have to do this for my class and I don't like it but I will do it for my grade. I am running out of things to talk on this that are not to revealing or personal. I am sitting in the library and as soon as I am done with this I have to study for a test that I have waited til the last minute to study for. I am moving to new york city next month right after christmas and I am so excited. I will be hard and it will be sad and lonely at times but I can hardly wait. I have wanted this since I was eight years old. I first went to New York when I was eight and have been back many times since then. It's strange that it is almost here. I have so much homework and studying to do before the semester is over it is stressing me out a little bit but I can do it. I just have to stay focused. I have a debate on economic equality on tuesday and I am anxious about it. I need to talk to my professor before I do this because I worried that I don't have the criteria correct. I have to start my final research paper and I have put that off long enough. I need to clean my apartment and my car and I need to talk to my comm. 1500 professor because I am really behind in that class and that class pisses me off I can't even start thinking about it. Its such a bull shit class and I hate the professor grades so hard when the criteria for the course is not teaching me anything.

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