Monday, December 8, 2008

Mercedi Robinson

Communications 1130

Shana Hamilton

December 7, 2008

Three adolescent girls reveal the truth about drug use at school

By Mercedi Robinson

Heber City, Junior High School, Nov. 4- three adolescent girls were interviewed about the use of drugs and alcohol in their classrooms, halls, and after school.
Three young girls, all the age of thirteen reveal the truth about drug and alcohol use among friends in school. Dolly Pinter, Nancy Van De Weghe, and Lexie Thomas, all agreed that drugs were a major part of their Junior High career. “A guy asked us while we were walking home from school yesterday if we wanted drugs. We get asked that all the time.” Dolly stated during the interview.
Nancy said, “About 85 percent of my friends smoke weed and my brother smokes weed all the time.” She also said that once she felt high off of her brother’s “second hand smoke.” All three girls claimed that they had never done drugs before in their life and that they don’t plan on it in the future but that they are around drugs all the time. They claimed that most of their “guy friends” smoke marijuana. According to the three girls the most popular drug at their school is marijuana. They also stated that some people drink as well. “Some boys come to school drunk all the time,” stated Lexie. She said that they steal the alcohol from their parents and drink during school hours.
When asked if it’s hard not to fall into peer pressure they all agreed with Lexie’s statement, “No way. It’s not hard to say no to drugs because it will give you black lungs and you will get cancer and die.” According to the three girls, boys do drugs significantly more than girls. “Boys do drugs then brag about it to all the girls. They think they’re cool when they do drugs,” Nancy stated.
When the girls were asked what happens at the skate park, they all giggled and Lexie’s response was, “They don’t even care, they sit in front of the bathrooms and smoke pot. The boys think drugs are cool.” In closing the girls were thanked for answering these questions, they all smiled and replied, “Your welcome.”

Word Count- 350


(D. Pinter, personal communication, April 4, 2008)

(N. Van De Weghe, personal communication, April 4, 2008)

(L. Thomas, personal communication, April 4, 2008)

Friday, November 14, 2008

I hate blogging but whatever I will do it for my grade. Tonight I am going to salt lake city to get my drink on and party with my favorite girls. Next month I am moving to new york city and I am getting so anxious to go. I know this is the best decision for me right now in my life and I can't wait to get there. I will be for new years and I am so excited. I am going all alone which should be interesting but I think I will be ok. I have a friend that works for a club promoter and she said that she would love to hang out when i get there because she moved to new york city two years ago from Colorado. She is twenty five and I am twenty one and it should be really fun. I can't wait to leave utah. I love Utah but its time to say goodbye to my home of my whole life. I have had some amazing experiences and some really horrible ones. I will never forget where I came from and I am proud to be a Utah girl. I have learned and grown up so much in the past two years. I am a completely different person. I am happy with who I am. I have come a long way. I now realize what is important to me and what is not. I know what I want out of life and I know with determination I can get anywhere. I am thinking maybe after New York I will move to Florence or Rome. I want to learn Italian or maybe Paris and I will learn French. I have to all those places and I love them so much. I can't wait for new york I want to be there right now!!! I have a lot of dreams and goals that I need to accomplish in the next ten years. I wonder what I will be like when I am thirty one? I hope I have two hundred in this thing. I do not want to do homework anymore I just want to have fun but my education is very important to me so I will put up with it.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I hate blogging!!!! I have to do this for my class and I don't like it but I will do it for my grade. I am running out of things to talk on this that are not to revealing or personal. I am sitting in the library and as soon as I am done with this I have to study for a test that I have waited til the last minute to study for. I am moving to new york city next month right after christmas and I am so excited. I will be hard and it will be sad and lonely at times but I can hardly wait. I have wanted this since I was eight years old. I first went to New York when I was eight and have been back many times since then. It's strange that it is almost here. I have so much homework and studying to do before the semester is over it is stressing me out a little bit but I can do it. I just have to stay focused. I have a debate on economic equality on tuesday and I am anxious about it. I need to talk to my professor before I do this because I worried that I don't have the criteria correct. I have to start my final research paper and I have put that off long enough. I need to clean my apartment and my car and I need to talk to my comm. 1500 professor because I am really behind in that class and that class pisses me off I can't even start thinking about it. Its such a bull shit class and I hate the professor grades so hard when the criteria for the course is not teaching me anything.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I am moving to New York City in two months and the process to get there has been overwhelming hard. I am moving in with my cousin Angie to her apartment in Queens. She lives in a full Irish neighborhood and she said that I will have to fight off the irish men but I am scrappy I can do it. I am buying my one way plane ticket tomorrow and quitting my job well at least giving them my two weeks notice. This is a huge change for me and I will for sure be a challenge. I am going alone. I am going to the New School University and I will start in May. I will find a job as soon as I get there and an apartment and hopefully a roommate. This will be an adventure but I am so excited. I need this so bad and my whole life I have dreamed of living in New York City. Soon I will have accomplished that goal and its such a good feeling. I hate blogging it is the biggest load of bull s*** in the whole world. Blogging seems like it is so time consuming and rediculous. The funny thing is that most people that blog are married. I am saying that marriage is bad but maybe they blog because they are bored. Maybe marriage is boring maybe not. I don't know. All I know is that I don't see myself getting married for quite some time. I have a lot of dreams and goals to accomplish before I get married and I can't have some person following me around everywhere I go. Marriage is a good thing just not for me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I was in Europe last May and for about two weeks me and six other friends were in Italy. Out of all the cities we ventured to Florence was my favorite. Rome was absolutely amazing but something about Florence will always stay with me and I can't wait to go back. Florence is very romantic, sensual and filled with history. Florence was the home to the great Michaelangelo. Everything about Florence is amazing. The city is just absolutely gorgeous and out of this world. The shopping, the history, the art, the museums, the cathedrals, the men, it is all so insane. The people in Florence were so cool too. We went clubbing a few of the nights and it is so interesting to me how even though our the USA and Europe are so far from each other the same innate emotions are in every person. There was a girl working at the bar from the Czech Republic and she was just living in Florence for a while but she wanted my boyfriend so bad and she hated me and I felt right at home in SLC dealing with girls that hate me for no reason. Those were good times. Our few crazy nights in Italy. We also had an insane in Paris, Greece and Switzerland. My next adventure will be to move to New York City in December and then I hopefully will find my way to Brazil, Peru, Indonesia, India and Japan. I do need to go back to Europe though and see all the places that we missed. Some day soon I will go back.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Going East

I can't wait to move to New York City. I am so sick of driving down university avenue it makes me crazy. I am so sick of braking every other second down that road. I have to drive it everyday because my apartment is in downtown Provo. I am so excited to start my new life in New York City come late December early January. I am so tired of everyday being exactly the same in here. I need a new experience, a new challenge, a new life and what is better than New York City. If I can survive there I can survive anywhere. I am going alone. I will be alone. I am applying to the New School University in greenwich village because they have an amazing creative writing program. I am going to get a job, go to school actually challenge myself and see what I can become. Here in Provo my potential is suppressed and I have come to halt and my personal growth is done here in Provo. Time to move on to something else. Everyday I think of myself in New York City. I picture myself living my life and accomplishing all my goals and aspirations. I can hardly wait, it is so close. I just have to stick it out here until the end of this semester and then I am gone. I am leaving Utah for good. I love Utah just not the experience I have had. I love the mountains I will miss them so much but now instead of mountains I crave sky scrappers. I long for the city where I can get lost amongst the millions of people. I can be alone and nobody will know me. So soon I will be there.

Friday, October 3, 2008

a girl looked in her apartment

There is a girl that hides in her aparment. She is unhappy with her current situation but she is trapped for in her situation for the next few months. For years this girl has dreamed of something more. She knows the world is a big place and she dreams and longs for everything that the world has to offer her. If only she could get her hands on the world, her potential would sky rocket. In her current position she is depressed, she dislikes everything that surrounds her. This girl suffers from constant longing for a life that will satisfy her needs that will provide for her potential that will inspire, challenge and motivate her. This girl just has to push through a really, mentally and physically draining semester and then she will gone forever. She will create a life for herself that she has dreamed of for many years. The opportunity is so close she just has to accomplish a few goals before she leaves. She has to say her good byes and leave her story and essence a legend in her home town. She will leave her family and friends and go out into the world alone and find herself, find who she truly is, who is capable of becoming and what she is capable of accomplishing in her life. Nothing will stand in her way, she will conquer any obstacle that challenges her. In three months she will be gone. She has moved onto a life that she has so longed for and a life that will make her happier than she has ever been.

Friday, September 19, 2008

The problem with this society.

The problem with this society is that everyone is trained to think the exact same way. This fault is to be placed on the LDS church. The amount of brainwashing that happens growing up in the churgh is wrong. Everyone is trained to think and believe the same things. How can anyone grown and change as individuals if everyone is being trained to think the same way? The judgement that happens in this society is wrong. The gossip that goes on in this society is wrong. I grew up mormon and had a horrible experience with the church and realized that I can think for myself and I don't have to aimlessly follow. I have the ability and freedom to search for truth in this universe. I am not going to pass judgement on others I am not going to deny friendship to those that grew up differently than me. I am now not mormon but that does not mean that I do not believe in God. The other problem with this society is that people think that i you are not mormon you must not believe in God, you must be a "bad person". I know I sound a little bitter but I have to say that I do not dislike mormoms. For some mormomism makes them happy and we are all searching for happiness so if that is what gives it to you than I am happy for you. But for me the church brought me nothing but confusion and hurt. So I just believe that those mormons that deny friendship or relations to people that are not mormon should create an open mind. You look ignorant and brainwashed when you cannot think for yourself.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My passion for traveling and my need to get out of here.

Last May I had the most amazing experience while traveling all over Europe. I learned a lot about myself and even as time goes on since my study abroad I am still learning so much about myself because of that experience. While in Europe we went to England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and Turkey. I have also been to some other places including Thailand which I absolutely fell in love with and I can't wait to go back. I realized while I was in Europe that the world is vast and there are so many people on this planet and that I have so much to learn before I die. I have always loved and had an emense passion for traveling. I want to see the world and I want to live in different cultures and experience very different ways of life. The world is so big and it seems so wrong to stay in one place your whole life. It seems wrong to deny the opportunity to learn about the ways of the rest of the world. I have an issue with Utah, I am dying to leave this state. To be honest I actually love Utah itself. I think it is beautiful and I love the seasons and everything Utah has to offer, but it is my time to go. So, I am patiently waiting until this very hard semester is over and then I am leaving to experience something completely different.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Governor Palin

Governor Palin, is I believe, a strong, confident and very capable woman and worthy of the position for vice president. This doesn't mean that I am going to vote republican or I don't know if I am going to vote democrat. I don't love either of the candidates but I am very fascinated by Governor Palin. She does actually act rather than just talk about taking an action for the good of the US and she is so determined. Her public speaking skills are out of this world and she is so refreshing to the world of politics. Yes, she is young and yes she has only been governor for less than two years but I think that she is capable to be vice president and if Mccain crooks because he is 72 I think that she will prepare herself properly to take the role as the President of the USA. I am not saying that she will be the best President, before I make that claim I need to learn more about her and have concrete facts but I like her. I think she is great, I am sick of old men lying and fighting over who gets to run our country. She is a normal American woman that has lived the normal American life and I think that we need someone in office who understands what it is like to be a normal American.